Dear Friends,
It’s hard to believe, but this was my fifth year as Artistic Director of MasterVoices – sixteen concerts in all. And every time I come out to the podium I’m amazed. I see a house full of adventurous, smart, committed lovers of culture, and it makes my heart sing.
There is so much easy entertainment these days. Our tiny screens give us the illusion of being connected to each other, without even having to put on our shoes. But what I see when I look out at you – over 30,000 of you this year – is a group of people craving real culture and real connections. You are the torch-bearers of art!
By coming to our concerts you’re not just consuming culture – you’re CREATING it. You make us better artists and more imaginative thinkers. You give us the courage to try new things. It was for you that our chorus went “off book” this year; for you we commissioned lively new interpretations of Bach and Victor Herbert and George S. Kaufman. For you we created a little magic with a Carnegie Hall sing-along on a beautiful snowy evening.
The world needs this kind of magic, and only you can make it happen. Because you “get it” – the transformative power of a massive chorus and a genuine symphony orchestra, making live music together.
As the year draws to a close, why not contribute to that magic today? In return we promise to keep giving you reasons to put on your shoes, turn off your phone, and join us for what Opera News called “one of those memorable, only-in-New York evenings.”
Ted Sperling
Artistic Director
P.S. Pay it forward! Your gift allows us to invite hundreds of students and seniors to a MasterVoices concerts each year, for free!